In 1967, the Miami Herald published the first edition of Tropic, a weekend magazine. Over the next 31 years, the magazine would win awards and the hearts of South Floridians. During the early 1990s, one weekly feature, called “Tropical Wildlife: Distinctive Markings of South Florida Species,” captured Tropic‘s own personality. The column showcased a random Miamian with a full page photograph and accompanying interview, and captured the collective pulse of South Florida’s inimitable psyche, one spirit at a time. The exhibition features photography by column contributor Brenda Ann Kenneally, archival materials related to the column, and reflections by other column contributors.
Also on display, are similar portraits capturing present-day Miamians, created by local high school students as part
of a related youth initiative.
Opening Reception: April 6, 2017. Register here.
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