The Americas Collection. Jorge Cavelier

From Mar 5th through 31st, 2010.

altThe Americas Collection Gallery, located in Coral Gables, is showcasing the exhibition Rivers by artist Jorge Cavelier starting this March 5th, 2010.

“The multiple interpretations of our life experience on earth can simply be referred to the contemplation of rivers; either if you are in the water or about the riverbank, the perception is as the manifestation of life itself.” Says Jorge Cavalier about the exhibition, “Rivers reflect light; all colors and forms live in their water mirrors. Rivers own sound, from whispers in the fountainhead to thundering waterfalls, from soft music in fast shivering upon shallow riverbeds to silence in the slow flow of deep waters. Rivers vibrate continuously, from the first dewdrop fall to the yielding with the ocean.”

“The river completes a journey incessantly. In this journey, the soft caress of mother Earth to the newborn river happens in a silent powerful way. Everything around the pristine water seems to glow with purity and freshness; innocence is beheld in every drop. As tributaries merge, sounds of all nature sums in vibratory joy to the flow, bringing memories and scents of different lands and forests, speaking of soft lichens and steppe rocks from every other birthplace. Spores and seeds float in the course as new creatures are to be born elsewhere in time and place, carried easily downstream.”

“Vapor comes up at every moment; the river knows the essence of giving: condensed water in leaves and rocks and air, keeps the run ever flowing, full and strong. The time of magnificent appearances comes to show the great whites in waterfalls and rapids, the power of sound vibrating from within, to clean and purify.”

“Peace comes in due time when vibration knows how to flow effortlessly. A new strong will to meet the infinite ocean lie inside the slow flux at the very end; soon the encounter happens in joy again, for the ocean knows of all sorrows and happiness, of darkness and light, divisions and unity, and sees how to ease the whole body of water to welcome it amongst the everlasting quietness where bliss happens.
Painting each work in this exhibition has been part of the voyage, finding at each composition a reason to contemplate life from the stream of time.”

The Americas Collection
214 Andalusia Avenue
Coral Gables, FL 33134

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