Réquiem por un alcaraván (Requiem for a stone curlew) is the performative dance of the man-woman. The Zapotec culture, through muxheidad, lives homosexuality, gaycity and same-sex marriages with certain contradictions: a muxhe is a man who assumes roles culturally destined for women, both work and affective, emotional and sexual, muxheidad is a veiled social acceptance and at the same time the celebration of what is still considered a transgression. The Zapotec man-woman dances and invites the viewer to participate in the “female rites of passage.” The metamorphosis, soul incarnated in a local bird known as berelele, in Zapotec, or alcaraván, where the cycle of the male closes once he mates; in some cases, he ends up sacrificed by the female.
Spanish Cultural Center in Miami
490 Biscayne BoulevardMiami, FL, 33132
Tickets CCE
Info: www.fundarte.us | 786.348.0789 or 305 448 9677
This program is part of FUNDarte’s Out In The Tropics 2020. Organizational support come in part from Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Mayor and Board of County Commissioners; the National Endowment for the Arts; the City of Miami Beach Cultural Affairs Program, Cultural Arts Council, and the Miami Beach Mayor and City Commissioners; State of Florida Department of State; Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Arts Council; South Arts; Mellon Foundation; Miami Light Project; and Centro Cultural Español. FUNDarte is a multidisciplinary non-profit organization dedicated to producing, presenting, and promoting music, theater, dance, film, and visual arts that speak to Miami’s diverse cultures, emphasizing Hispanic/Latino arts and culture.
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