Cowry Art Studio launches a Call to Artists to exhibit, show will be opening during the last week of March 2020 with a deadline on February 16th, 2020. The 1st Miami Contemporary Small Format Exhibition from Cowry Art, calls all emerging, mid-career, and established artists, over 18 years old, residing in the USA, and working within any style, media or concept of art; being the highest standard of virtuosity, and creativity the main curatorial criterion to be applied when selecting the artworks. The call will be open for submissions from January 6th to February 16th, and the exhibition will be curated by artist and critic Rafael López-Ramos, and artist Natasha Perdomo.
*Only bi-dimensional works will be accepted (Painting, Drawing, Printmaking, Photography, Collage, Mixed media), which should be no larger than 14 inches on any side, created within the last 3 years, and not had been exhibited in the Greater Miami Area.
*Each artist may submit up to 5 artworks, with a $25.00 non-refundable entry fee for the first image and $5.00 for each additional image. Payable by Paypal or credit card. Deadline for submissions is February 16th, 2020.
– Submissions and payments are to be made by uploading high resolution digital images (one per proposed work), but not bigger than 2 MB each, through this page. Please name each file image with a number and prepare a text file listing all your artworks data in the following order:
1- Artist Name, Artwork Title, Year of creation, Media, Measurements.
– Artists whose works were selected for exhibition will be notified by email with enough time to prepare them for shipping or make delivery arrangements prior to the exhibit date. The final results and list of exhibitors will be announced by February 19th, 2020.
– When received each selected artworks must match the image submitted by the artist, otherwise the entry will be disqualified and excluded from the show. No substitutions accepted.
– Selected artworks must be sent framed and ready to hang. Works on canvas can be just stretched and stapled on the back. For works on paper that requires glass protection please use plexiglas instead to minimize the risk of damage, which would be full responsibility of the artist. The frame must not exceed the artwork size more than 1 inch, so please avoid the use of mats.
– All shipments must include a prepaid UPS, FEDEX or US Postal Service return label (USPS stamps will not be accepted) and should be properly bubble wrap protected, and shipped in a container suitable to re-use for return shipping. A fresh corrugated cardboard box will be good.
– All exhibited artworks will be posted in a dedicated page of our website, with a short bio and personal photo of each artist. The event and participant artists is also expected to receive ample coverage in social media, local magazines and news outlets.
– A 30% commission will be charged on all exhibition sales -70% share for the artist, will be provided within 30 days after the exhibit concludes and receipt of full payment from buyer. Payments will be made preferably by Paypal, or Bank transfer, check, etc if necessary.
– For any questions or further clarification please write to [email protected]
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