Singing arias of Beethoven, Bellini, Verdi, Mascagni followed by piano Transcriptions performed by two extraordinary pianists: ALEXANDER GAVRYLYUK (Ukraine) & KEMAL GEKIC (Croatia)
In Collaboration with the Vocal Studio of Manny Perez
This unique program will feature Opera Singers:
Eglise Gutierrez / Soprano
Elizabeth Caballero / Soprano
Mabel Ledo / Mezzo-soprano
Yetzabel Arias / Soprano
Betsy Diaz / Soprano
Susana Diaz / Soprano
Ana Collado / Soprano
Katiuska Rodriguez / Soprano
Armando Naranjo / Baritone
Ray Gonzalez / Tenor
Matthew Manness / Tenor
CAREN LEVINE – Pianist/ Conductor
Colony Theatre
1040 Lincoln Road
Miami Beach FL 33139
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